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How is our loved one sleeping?

Are you taking care about a loved one suffering from Parkinson's or Alzheimer's? 

Our therapeutic mattresses are tailored to the needs of people with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. ThevoCalm - Care Mattress for Parkinson's & ThevoVital - Care Mattress for Alzheimer's/ Dementia. 

Get the best sleep for your family members. Get relief for yourself.

ThevoCalm - Premium Parkinson's Care Mattress -> Click Here

ThevoVital for Parkinson's


ThevoVital - Premium Alzheimer's/ Dementia Care Mattress -> Click Here

ThevoVital for Alzheimer's
Or give us a call 866 870 2122 (toll free) for any question.
We are more than happy to help!
Your Thomashilfen Team from Seattle