Law Labels: A law label is a tag or label required by some states in order to inform consumers of filling materials used in bedding, furniture and other products.
Parkinson's Care Mattresses
Are you taking care about a loved one suffering from Parkinson's?
ThevoCalm is specially tailored to the needs of people with Parkinson's to offer most possible support & comfort at the same time.
ThevoCalm is specially tailored to the needs of people with Parkinson's to offer most possible support & comfort at the same time.
ThevoCalm Mattresses support healthy sleep & ease of movement.
Clinical tests, as well as extensive positive feedback from care
facilities and Parkinson’s people, confirm the effectiveness of the concept:
Better and deeper sleep through the night and less suffering from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
facilities and Parkinson’s people, confirm the effectiveness of the concept:
Better and deeper sleep through the night and less suffering from the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Less sleep problems requiring medical treatment
• Less side effects
• Reduces daytime sleepiness
• Better success in therapy
Optimal firmness of mattresses
• Supports mobility when turning, changing sleep positions, moving to a vertical or sitting position
• Reduces nightly akinesia (immobility)
• Reduces nightly backache
• Less tension (dystonia) in the morning
• Relieves caregivers
Integrated MiS Micro-Stimulation®
• Relaxes muscles and calms restlessness
• Compensation of sleep problems caused by medication
• Optimal supplement and support of therapeutic concept
• Improvement of entire pathology and reduction of daytime sleepiness
• Less side effects
• Reduces daytime sleepiness
• Better success in therapy
Optimal firmness of mattresses
• Supports mobility when turning, changing sleep positions, moving to a vertical or sitting position
• Reduces nightly akinesia (immobility)
• Reduces nightly backache
• Less tension (dystonia) in the morning
• Relieves caregivers
Integrated MiS Micro-Stimulation®
• Relaxes muscles and calms restlessness
• Compensation of sleep problems caused by medication
• Optimal supplement and support of therapeutic concept
• Improvement of entire pathology and reduction of daytime sleepiness
What makes a Thevo Mattress so unique?

MiS Micro-Stimulation® (MiS)
MiS activates the neurons in your brain stem to relax your muscles, improves blood circulation, restores and rejuvenates your joints, and reduces stiffness & pain.
Activates Neurons

High Quality Foam
High quality resilient foam precision cut to conform to your body weight, supporting the heavier areas with higher density and the lighter areas with lower density.
Non-Toxic, Long Lasting & Breathable

Unique Fiberglass Framing
The design mimics the structure and movement of your spine, it follows your body contours to provide targeted support, resulting in perfect spinal alignment.
Constant Spine Alignment
Resources for Parkinson's
Supporting people with Parkinson's, their families, and caregivers
Supporting people with Parkinson's, their families, and caregivers
Thevo works on anything
We studied the bed frame, box spring, and topper combination, and found that these components work best when their design is integrated seamlessly instead of stacked separately. So, we integrated them and upgraded the materials.

If you're not happy with our Mattress, return it!