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23 Clinically Proven Health Benefits of Thevo
- Improved body perception
- Promotes blood flow
- Pressure relief
- Supports mobility: Turning, changing positions, moving to a vertical or sitting position
- Improved nightly hygiene
- Relaxes muscles
- Calms restlessness
- Reduction of pain medications and sleep medication
- Reduction of daytime sleepiness
- Naturally increases power of concentration and cognitive abilities
- Proven to help with symptoms:
- Body aches, pains or stiffness in neck, back, hip, shoulder, joints
- Pain with movement, vanishing after a few motions
- Aching from fatigue
- Problems bringing the joint to desired position
- Cracking or crunching the joint
- Heat sensation under stress
- Humid or cold weather that is worsening alignment
- Swelling sensation without noticeable tissue enlargement
- Arthritis, Osteoporosis, or joint pain
- Decreased Joint Mobility
- Problems falling asleep due to aches and pains
- Problems waking up frequently due to difficulty of changing position
- Chronic pain
- Body aches, joint pain and stiffness
- Spinal pain, neck pain, hip pain, shoulder pain
- Poor circulation, poor blood flow
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Cancer
- Injury